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Why be superstitious

August 13, 2013Dear Sir,When I attended Devonshire Academy many years ago, there was the strict rules about shirt being tucked it, right type of shoes, no big time jewellery, right colour socks etc ... and now at CedarBridge years later, no students are allowed to wear a school cardigan. If any student is seen wearing one, he or she is automatically sent home? Or suspended even? What type of rule is that? If a child fights another one at the school he or she should be suspended or, expelled but not because of a school cardigan. Is this the type of vibe The Ministry of Education has allowed over these years? No wonder schools are in a chaotic situation. Instead of focusing on grades and discipline, they’re worried about a child wearing something as simple as a cardigan to school because of missing buttons. Pullover sweaters can end up with tears in them and since boys, might get into a fight, worse can always happen to that sweater as well — why be superstitious over a cardigan? Makes no sense, should focus on disciplining a child (those boys who beat up that student ought to be expelled from CedarBridge but anyway).SCHOOL CARDIGAN JUST ANOTHER FORM OF SCHOOLWEARDevonshire