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CableVision staff could not have been more helpful

Dear Sir,I refer to the letter from “Out of Service” in today’s paper (Saturday, August 24) and wish to report a very different experience with CableVision.Yesterday, I called CV to report my cable and internet service was inoperative and was told that they had terminated my service because I hadn’t paid my bill for three months.I told them that a few months ago I elected for e-billing, but I hadn’t received any bills via e-mail. I was told I could bring the account up to date by making an on-line payment and the account would be restored. The young lady I spoke to confirmed that the e-billings had been sent via internet and suggested that my internet service provider was dropping them into a Spam Catcher so I wasn’t receiving them.After that initial conversation, I realised that as I didn’t have internet, I couldn’t pay on-line, so I called CV back. I was put in contact with a very understanding and kind lady named Gina Bryan, who said she would restore the service immediately so I could pay the bill without driving from St David’s all the way to Hamilton.She requested that I send a picture/”screen shot” of the transaction to her so she could verify the payment.I then paid the bill on-line, but couldn’t effect the screen shot (HSBC on-line banking doesn’t allow it). I called Ms Bryan back and told her the situation and she asked for the transaction number, which I then provided, and said she would take care of it. I also re-instituted billing by mail instead of internet.I disagree with “Out of Service” who thinks CV doesn’t give a damn about customers - all told, it took about five minutes to restore the service, and Ms Bryan couldn’t have been more helpful or understanding. It certainly wasn’t necessary for me to send CV’s CEO an e-mail complaining; perhaps I should have sent him one congratulating him for his staff’s quick and efficient response.PETER PARKERSt David’s