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Take what PLP say with pinch of salt

Dear Sir,Diana Williams’ recent letter suggesting to Zane Desilva the reasons for the financial difficulties facing the OBA raises a couple of issues. One of those concerns is the basis for my greatest fear and that is that the PLP may well hoodwink a gullible public into thinking that they should put the PLP back in power anytime within the next, say, 100 years.The PLP are better than any political Party I know at two things — first, they are the best Opposition that money can buy (and long may they stay in that role!) and second, they are light years ahead of the OBA when it comes to ‘politicking’. On that latter point, and for clarity, the OBA are light years ahead of the PLP in their ability to govern and their level of integrity.When I read a letter from the likes of Mrs Williams, and although I know her and I know she realises this, I want to shout from the rooftops that people like Zane and Marc Bean and Wayne Furbert don’t actually believe what they say. I know Zane and Wayne well and they are simply not that ignorant. They say these things purely for political reasons — it’s what their PLP supporters want to hear and they know full well that if they say it enough times, people will begin to think it’s true.When you read some of the comments made by these PLP talking heads you have to wonder where they were for the last 14 years !!! I mean ... were they not aware that they had taken the country into bankruptcy; that they had almost single-handedly destroyed the tourism and international business that was the bedrock of our economy; that gang warfare and crimes against people had skyrocketed out of control mainly because of PLP indifference and a complete inability to figure out what to do; and were they not aware of the level of incompetence, alleged corruption and Ministerial boondoggling that was going on in their midst? Methinks they were aware ..The OBA are by no means perfect but the only people in Bermuda who would actually think we’d be better off with Marc, Wayne, and Zane are the same people who like to be unemployed, with no tenants to rent to, no children to educate or fear for and who don’t either understand or care about putting their children and grandchildren in the financial abyss for decades to come. You’ll notice that the PLP never have a solution — but then again, one might have noticed that over the past 14 years — but they seem to think that attacking the OBA ideas is the way forward. You want to take a look at PLP ingenuity ? ... go take a drive past Grand Atlantic; check out the unemployment and tourism numbers; and take at look at the apartments available for rent!And after that — take what Zane and Wayne say with a big political grain of salt.SincerelySky Larkin