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We need to think outside the box

Sgt Hayward receives a helping hand on the Bermuda Regiment assault course. (Photo by Akil Simmons)

October 1, 2013Dear Sir,I read with interest Stephen Thomson’s recent letter about the Regiment.Some weeks ago I saw an ad stating that the Governor had embodied a committee that was looking for comments, suggestions and other useful titbits related to security and defence. I immediately made a submission because, somewhat like Mr Thomson, I think the concept of the Regiment is a costly and archaic vestige of a bygone era. I have never received a reply nor an acknowledgment but I did feel better for getting it all off my chest.In a nutshell, I agree that the values and benefits of the Regiment include team building, discipline and community support in times of disaster. I don’t see much value anywhere else unless someone is convinced that we are about to be attacked and I can sure you that the Regiment doesn’t actually provide any defence or security that I know of. Problem is that it’s 2013 and we are sagging under a massive debt and this mostly unpopular, military-style anachronism of the past is costing us over $12 million annually.We can have all the same benefits and I’m sure that we can cut the cost in half by converting the Regiments military training concept to a community service based objective. Come on, wouldn’t you think that training in all sorts of areas relating to community work and then employing that training will not only be of greater value to the ‘conscripts’ but will probably reduce the cost to Government because they can assist or even carry out some of the functions. As far as I can see we wont be putting anybody out of work if these guys cut the roadside grass.I’m with you Mr Thomson ... the Government needs to think outside the box and do things differently.Sincerely,Former Regiment Conscript, Class of a long time ago.