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Not enough news

Monday's front page.

December 2, 2013

Dear Sir,

The guy who stopped his subscription does have a point, there’s not enough letters in the Letters to the Editor section anymore. There’s more sports (British soccer/cricket more than any other sport that is), not much news articles (despite the many incidents involving road crashes, deaths and so forth) well, I’m probably exaggerating on that part but, they’re not accurate (that I know for sure as some reporters do exaggerate their stories at times).

The weather page might look better but, the temperature tomorrow won’t be 88 degrees as what’s listed on today’s paper (it’ll actually be 68 degrees talk about a serious typo). Newspaper might have new look, but some features of ‘old’ version shouldn’t have been erased. Why eliminate a lot of letters from that page anyway as that’s sometimes, the highlight of the newspaper?