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United we can prosper

December 10, 2013

Dear Sir,

There will always be rich, poor and those in the middle. In a strong economy all share in the rewards based upon their attitude, educational attainment and experience. It is also true that in a poor economy it is those in the middle and the poor who suffer most. Many are suffering. There is no doubt that the world wide recession was bad but our current dire financial and social circumstances were exacerbated by the policies of the PLP in driving away international business with term limits and huge payroll tax increases, and spending hundreds of millions of dollars more every year than we earned. We have lost thousands of jobs since 2008 including the job creators and in particular those that provided the entry level positions for our young Bermudians.

We cannot survive on tourism; Bermudians have set their economical goals too high for that to work, but it will remain an important although minor player in our economic future. We must attract high worth and international business professionals back so all Bermudians in all walks of life can get a piece of the pie. As a potential overseas investor in Bermuda I would welcome the overtures from the OBA government but, and there is a big but, I wouldn’t invest one dime in this country unless the PLP were 100% on board and pledged not to reverse initiatives that could well save us and return our economy to one envied by many nations when, not if, they eventually return to power.

Politicians like to hear themselves speak and the opposition’s job is to ensure that the government does their best for Bermuda and all its People. Can the PLP swallow its pride and support what every right thinking individual knows is needed for Bermuda to survive and prosper? Can the PLP be part of the solution? Or will the PLP continue to do everything in their power to destroy every endeavour of the OBA in the short sighted name of party politics and to hell with the People.

Without the rich, the poor will have nothing