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A party of moaners and whiners?

December 12, 2013

Dear Sir,

I ask the following question.

Is the former government becoming a party of moaners and whiners?

Everyday the new government are being subjected to meaningless criticism as the old government tries to gain political points.

What happened to the promises of collaboration?

Bermuda is at a crossroad, and can go further down the slippery slope or start to turn around. Which way we go will be determined by the way our leaders act.

The OBA inherited a Bermuda in trouble. A country in economic decline, a huge National Debt, crime ridden, infrastructure collapsing, a failing heathcare and public education system, along with high unemployment.

What do we get from those who left us in such dire straits? Nitpicking and little solutions to help our current situation.

We need an Opposition which opposes in a constructive way, not one which just constantly shoots down ideas for shooting downs sake, but one that offers solutions.

For our democracy to work, we must see some agreement in these hard times. Foreign investment and others who can assist, are watching our every move. We do not want to deter much needed help, which could get us out of our current malaise and onto the road to recovery.

Our children and future generations depend on us doing what is right, so they can have the opportunities, that were once afforded us.

Let’s hope we see a more collaborative effort by all involved!
