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Beware a return of the PLP

27 February 2014

Dear Sir

Bearing in mind that the PLP have been complaining and campaigning since they lost the election and the OBA has simply been analysing the problem and implementing solutions, the fact that the OBA is within striking distance is amazing.

The average Bermudian has to really struggle to appreciate and understand what is going on — both in terms of the cause of the problem and the correctness of the solution — and all this with the PLP slinging racial and personal epithets at the OBA day in and day out. Did you expect something different?

Believe me, as diehard an OBA supporter as I am, do not think that I don’t think they are making mistakes. For the love of God, why the Premier cannot see that taking his band of brothers to DC was NOT a good move, I’ll never know. Just stand up and tell Bermuda that he made an error in judgement ... live and learn. And if you can get the American Express cards out of Crockwell’s and Pettingill’s hands we may be able to balance the Budget this year.

White, black or whatever else you might be ... if you have a stake in the economy of Bermuda — a house, an apartment to rent, a job — and you vote the PLP back in, then you deserve to get exactly what you will get. History will repeat itself and this time the flight of people and capital will be a stampede and not a behind the scenes stroll.