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It’s raining, it’s pouring

March 1, 2014

Dear Sir,

I find it quite incredible, that on an island of 22 sq. miles, there is so much variation in the weather and particularly the rainfall patterns. I have been recording the rainfall in Paget Parish for the past six years or so, and the differences from the Bermuda Weather Service are quite remarkable.

It is noted that they state the rainfall for the year to date, as of February 28th, is 14.31 ins and for the month of February 8.08 ins.

For the month of February, I recorded 11.09 ins. and for the first two months, a total of 17.79 ins. nearly 3.5 ins more!

I have been using a Davis Weather Station, which is recognised as a reputable manufacturer of weather recording devices.

Yours sincerely

Antony Siese