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I will never vote for them again

June 5, 2014

Dear Sir,

I am writing to say I am tired of the former PLP government complaining of everything this OBA Government is trying to do to get this country up and running.

The PLP have to remember they were the government of the day that put this country in this terrible mess that we are in today.

The PLP opposition need to face the fact that they will never be the government of this country. As long as I’m able to vote I will make sure they don’t get in power again.

I am a black woman, or you can call me a pond dog, who always voted PLP from the day I was able to understand where my vote should go. I was always a PLP supporter, all my life.

When I voted in 1998 it was a new beginning for me to see a black government. For 14 years the PLP spent money like drunken sailors and didn’t care about the black and white people that helped to get you in power. My heart is still hurting for what this PLP have done to this country.

In closing, I voted for the OBA in 2012 because I voted with my mind and heart, not colour. That is what the Opposition is all about, race.

The PLP need to understand that the people of this country are black, white, gay, pink, blue, any colour.

I just weren’t happy the way this country was going under the PLP leadership. The people spoke, don’t blame the OBA.

This black woman has seen the light and I will never vote PLP again as long as I live. OBA will be my voting party.