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So why the sudden outrage?

July 15, 2014

Dear Sir,

It has to be the most asked question on most people’s minds as to why one of the most egregious injustices to have occurred in the 20th century now comes front and centre for revisitation and some form of redress in 2014. We refer of course to the great land grab of 1920 and beyond by evil mercenaries and an assorted host of wicked thieves or so we are told.

Most certainly there is incontrovertible truth and jaded lies connected to this piece of unsavory history.

We have here issues of pain and resentment that has gone on unabated for multiple decades in folk lore and living memories. The stories are legion and graphic, replete with emotion and a deep feelings of rape and pillage by powerful and immoral people motivated by greed and opportunity to take from others by the most detestable and dishonest means.

The story line has it that the victims of this compulsory real estate carnage were in the main black people who were powerless and often not well educated. Those prosecuting these injustices are believed to be on most occasions professionals with ice water in their veins.

Now then let’s get to the point, finally they have a champion in the PLP opposition after an eternity of unrequited justice! Mr editor I just don’t get it? In 1998 the PLP won the election with an astounding 26 seats in a 40 seat legislature and in that term of office they did nothing to assist in righting a terrible wrong! They had the numbers and access to the funding absolute to get to the bottom of perceived serious crimes against powerless victims and they did nothing. The PLP won two more terms in office with comfortable majorities and they did nothing to seek some redress for these people in whatever form they chose.

Now some 15 years later when they are no longer the government they rattle sabers in outrage and passion for these people so mercilessly violated? It cannot now be said by the PLP with a straight face that they had more important fish to fry! When the power and the numbers were on their side they did nothing and now they would have us believe this is the this right time? This is simply incredible to say the least and be charitable to them. For this to be of monumental importance now rings hollow and unbelievable as to the sincerity of their intent. Why now? The Bermuda public will be jury on that verdict.