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Show good road manners to avoid accidents

Dear Mr Editor,

A correspondent writing about Spice Hill Road (July 27) counselled drivers to show good road manners by blowing their horns before each bend (in the western half of Spice Hill Road) because of the heavy growth of trees that were not being trimmed.

I travel that road about once a quarter as a sightseeing tour of old Bermuda. I have never sounded my car horn there.

I would agree that emergency vehicles and people dealing with an emergency should do so. My driving rule No 1 is not to sound my horn except in an emergency. My driving rule No 2 is not to allow my driving to be the cause of an emergency situation on the road.

On Spice Hill Road, I am cautious, have met oncoming vehicles, some moving quickly, without an anxious moment.

I ask your correspondent to reconsider and to drive more cautiously. You cannot lose much more than 90 seconds. Bermuda will be quieter and more like “The Isles of Rest”.

By the way, I am not known as a slow driver in Bermuda, rather the opposite. I am comfortable driving over 80mph on Britain’s multilane motorways. Knock wood, I have not had a speeding ticket in Bermuda for many years.

I suggest your correspondent interact with the Warwick MPs and request once-a-year trimming for this beautiful location. I always take Bermuda visitors there and introduce them to the spice trees.

We want the spice trees to remain accessible from the roadside without trespassing. Let’s Keep Bermuda Beautiful.