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To those who cheered, why do you live here?

Dear Sir,

I have to comment on the event that took place at the Liberty Theatre this past weekend.

I’m sure many people wish to comment on what took place and what was said but I’ve come to accept a long time ago that some people will always hate other people.

It’s like the human race isn’t happy unless one nationality or colour or religion or gender is despised and ostracised, and someone always seems to want to kill someone else.

However, to Ayo Kimathi and all those who cheered him, all I can say is, why do you live here?

I know your people, as well as some of mine, were bought to the western world against their will, but you are no longer told where you must stay and live.

How stressed and miserable you must be to live in a part of the world where there is such a melting pot of people — people that you have to, at some point, interact with, that you hate so much that you would be happy to kill them en masse, regardless of personality, age, etc.

I cannot imagine hating so many of the people that much. I know this suggestion is going to be deliberately misused, as I do not mean any of this to be insulting, but you do have a choice. Africa is the motherland. It is a beautiful place. Some places may have unrest, but the country itself is beautiful, and most of the people are loving and would no doubt welcome you home. You would not have to deal with whites and there are sections of Africa with a no homosexual tolerance.

Me, I will remain. My people are here and I love my home and the people in it. We may not always agree and there are times when we may get heated about some issues, but I love the diversity. I love the interaction with those who may not be exactly the same as myself, and I cannot possibly welcome the beliefs of Kimathi any more than I could the KKK or any hate group.

No one has the right to hate an entire people. My father said to me many years ago, “Nobody owes you anything. No one has to give you anything, and if you believe they do you will grow into a bitter old woman”. We have too many bitter old women.