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Take it easy brother, this is a free country

Facing criticism: Michael Dunkley and members of his Cabinet (Photograph by David Skinner)

Dear Sir,

Chris Famous ... again. This time, in his rush to find something, anything, to pin on the One Bermuda Alliance, he’s blaming us for comments made about cruise ship passengers on our Facebook page by someone who has nothing to do with the OBA, for heaven’s sake.

This member of the public said visitors on cruise ships were cheap; not the big spenders Bermuda tourism needed.

These insulting comments, says Mr Famous in his Royal Gazette column, should have been answered straight away by the OBA, lest cruise ship passengers take offence.

Two things occur to me. First, has he never heard of freedom of speech? Citizens of the United States have, I can assure him, and will take comments such as those very much in their stride.

They know a good democracy thrives on the free expressions of opinion, even if they are contrary to their own. Second, has he ever read some of the comments made by people who, like him, support the Progressive Labour Party? Some of the nastiest stuff I’ve ever read comes from them, and on their Facebook page to boot. We Bermudians take them in our stride because we know that people have the right to comment as they like.

Take it easy, my brother. This a free country. That may be inconvenient for you and your friends, but you’re going to learn to live with it.