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Outstanding renewable energy articles

Plentiful resource: solar photovoltaic panel installations in Bermuda

Dear Sir,

I hasten to write to commend you for commissioning and running the three articles on Renewable Energy for Bermuda, authored by Judith Landsberg, on June 22, 23 and 24.

Her writing was erudite, supported by in-depth knowledge of every aspect of alternative energy generation, storage, distribution and economics. Her arguments for Bermuda to embrace renewables, starting with Belco and encouraged by the Government, were compelling.

Let us hope that the powers at Belco and in government have read these three outstanding articles. And let us further hope that Bermuda can pull together to move forward with a combination of solar and wind, both of which resources are plentiful in Bermuda. And, yes, the electricity-storage issue is on the cusp of becoming viable — so the whole package is doable without further burning of the dreaded fossil fuels.

Unlike the proposed new airport project, where Bermuda would ultimately have to pay the piper, and dearly, there are scores of huge wind energy companies, in Europe and in United States, who would fund the entire project up front.

There are also a number of solar companies who would underwrite the development with upfront funding. Surely, this is preferable, for the shareholders of Belco, to having to come up with $250 million for a natural gas installation.

Yes, gas is cleaner and cheaper than diesel, but, as Dr Landsberg has so powerfully written, renewables implementation is the only sane route to take.

Should any of your readers care to contact me, I may be reached on 292 2670 or at Blackburne@northrock.bm.