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Mystery over origin of cheques

Dame Lois Browne Evans Building

Dear Sir,

I admire the Lois Browne Evans Building every time I am in the vicinity of Church Street, Court Street and Victoria Street. Having been in the building most of my life, I think of the planning, architecture and erecting of a wonderful structure mostly during the Progressive Labour Party administration.

I remember there having been a change of contractors. I remember during the final stages of construction that two cheques were found having been made out to the Premier, Ewart Brown, and Derrick Burgess.

I wonder if ever we will find out who made out these cheques. Obviously, they had been produced to spoil the reputations of these two well-respected gentlemen.

I know of the appointing of people to look into actions of the PLP monetarily, but it seems that no one will be appointed to investigate the origins of these cheques.

