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Let’s teach our children to care, not kill

Dear Sir,

Here I sit as an ancient lady, watching, listening and reading, with that old familiar gut-wrenching fear in my stomach and my heart, that I experienced many years ago with a pending war with Germany.

Talks that took place with mothers and their sons, of young wives with husbands, of fiances with their future wives, hardly daring to think or speak of it.

Our neighbour next door with five sons who never came back along with my fiance, whom I never saw again.

To look back and remember my dear mother who experienced two wars and losing her brothers, losing the flowers of manhood to utter madness, is criminal.

We must surely take lessons from what we are watching today, every day, in Bermuda and ask ourselves, where can the chain get broken of the killing, repetitive killing of our sons? Our sons don’t have to go to a war abroad.

It begins today, right here in Bermuda, let us teach our future mothers as early as kindergarten to look after each other and love our brothers and sisters, to have a protective feeling for family and teach our sons to care, not kill.