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Will the Cyclops always be in charge?

Power to the people?: it was under the claim of making Germany great through the democratic process that Adolph Hitler turned Germany into a fascist Nazi dictatorship the people of Germany were unable to reverse and remove

Dear Sir,

There are very few countries on Earth that are safe from the takeover of a fascist mindset, no matter what the ethnicity is of that nation.

If the people are not educated to the facts and intent of such political entitles or parties, they may find themselves supporting a political interest group using smoke and mirrors that is out to destroy them. The people may not even be aware of or understand such groups’ true intentions.

It was under the same disguise and the claim of making Germany great through the use of the democratic process that Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Third Reich first took control of the Reichstag, then turned Germany into a fascist Nazi dictatorship that the people of Germany were unable to reverse and remove.

Depending on the economic and political conditions at the time, any public relations company can drum up a slogan that is catchy and can be absorbed through intense pressure and propaganda into the minds of the people — depending on what political entity grabs the upper hand during an election, and to what degree the people become mesmerised by such catchy slogans that fire up their emotions.

The possibility exists that, unbeknown to them, they may wind up supporting and voting into power a fascist political movement and not have the slightest idea that is what they have done. That is exactly what happened in Germany in the 1930s, leading to the Second World War and in the end the destruction of Germany.

Even though the people of Bermuda have supported one party or another, they have never been invited to the table to help participate in the construction of the political system that dictates the way in which a democratic election should be organised and run, thus leading to an elected government that truly represents the people.

A lot of public relations planning goes into which party puts out the catchiest propaganda, even though they in some cases don’t intend to carry out some of those juiciest promises that they were espousing on. For many years, it was politicians and lawyers who sat behind closed doors in smoke-filled rooms that set the standards as to how the so-called democratic process in Bermuda should function — and that was that, full stop.

I have taken the time out to really sit down and take a very close, microscopic look at what I believe makes Bermuda tick and I don’t like what I see. I’m just asking this question with the hope that someone may help me here.

Is Bermuda being run by a non-elected Cyclops style government? Meaning, in fact, that there is only one group of people that is always and permanently in charge, and when election time rolls around, all we get is a stirring-up of the nays and the yeas, and no matter who wins in that illusionary game, the Cyclops will still be in charge?

It is sort of like flipping a coin: when you pick it up, nothing on the coin has really changed other than people having to live by a decision that they think they had made and which may not make any difference at all.

All I’m saying is this: after you have allowed your emotions to be ridden into the ground and you are all but burnt out after being charmed to the bone with half-truths and falsehoods, are you sure that you have gotten what you had voted for? Really?


Pembroke East