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On whose authority is ‘right side of history’ determined?

Dear Sir,

If you do not support same-gender marriage, as was the case in the referendum, why are the majority on the wrong side of history? Who decides such nonsense anyway? In a world of moral revisionism, such foolishness is allowed to flourish by well-meaning but misguided liberal thinking, which sounds noble but is flat-out wrong.

We have now entered the twilight zone of right and wrong being redefined to suit modern interpretation as to what has regretfully been fought as human rights.

In a postmodern world, the unthinkable has become the norm to embrace. Sexual decency must bend to same-gender relations, which can never be right, no matter how enlightened we presume ourselves to be. The LGBTQ crowd are not to be disdained as wicked pariahs that need to be ostracised and condemned, but they should not be celebrated, either.

The new attitude by the straight majority to accommodate the minority of the world’s population puts sexual perversion and redefinition of traditional and biblical marriage on the right side of history? Again, I inquire, who decided that as what is right and proper in a world that needs a male and a female for mankind’s continuation.

We have crossed the border of reordering our society and educating our children in school eventually to accept the new morality of same-gender intimacy being on the wrong side of natural affection and attraction of male and female.

This ruling by a lone judge is deeply troubling and fraught with implications for a country that is at present Christian by our own definition and belief. Bermuda has always had a gay community that has lived, worked and dwelt among us without being harassed for multiple decades, although, to be fair, this was not always the case. Many years ago, they were treated shamelessly with no regard for their humanity; this, of course, was very wrong.

Now the script has flipped, with homosexuality enjoying hitherto unheard-of warm acceptance with little thought for the eroding of our values for proper and normal behaviour and public decency.

Away with the feelings of the majority and sound convictions of right conduct for our citizens and examples of gender correctness for the next generation to follow. The mantra and clarion call should be this: being on the right side of the future for moral revival and children reared with a mother and father in marital commitment.

The whole world has been populated by two people — a man and a woman. We should not allow the redefining of marriage by litigation and bypass the hard process of our elected legislature to decide this difficult issue.

Hiding behind the judiciary is cowardice on steroids by the entire legislature.

“Wrong side of history” mantra slides off the tongue with glib arrogance, but what is really at stake is the future where our children and society will spend their lives. Marriage between a man and a woman is the divine order for the family and should never be redefined to be as anything else. If this ruling is allowed to stand and become law, it would be a travesty for democracy by a single Bermudian.

Politics dominate everything at the moment and the present administration is on record as saying it will not appeal this ruling.

Could we please hear from the Opposition, which appears besotted with an election victory, as to what its position would be?