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More than 50 small business owners learn tips on customer service

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More than 50 small to medium sized business owners listen in on the BEDC's seminar on how to build customer loyalty to their shops

As the struggle for customers becomes even more competitive in a down market, many Island business owners are looking to sharpen their customer service skills in order to attract new clients and keep the existing ones happy.More than 50 small and medium sized businesses attended a Bermuda Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) seminar last week to learn professional and practical advice on how to improve client service and establish loyal customers.The three-hour seminar, entitled “Managing Existing & New Customers Matters” was divided into two parts, with the first part dedicated to providing attendees with tactical ways to manage customers from senior and experienced professionals, while the second half allowed attendees to interact and hear from small business owners on how they specifically utilise tools and tips to manage their respective customers. Patrice Minors, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry opened the session.Presenters at the event included Patrice Frith Hayward, Professional Development Trainer and owner of Business Dynamics, Kerry Judd, consultant and owner of New Beginnings Inc., Paula Clarke, CEO of Gibbons Company, Wayne Caines, CEO of Digicel, Mickey Robinson, owner of Medical House and Maya Furbert, owner of Fatimaya.For more information on this and other upcoming BEDC seminars, please contact BEDC at info[AT]bsbdc.bm or visit the BEDC website at www.BEDC.bm.

An attendee takes notes on how to improve customer service skills