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Let us know the small businesses that shine

The Bottom Line magazine is looking for the best and brightest small businesses in Bermuda to feature in the upcoming July issue.Bermuda residents really value the community’s small businesses, judging by the slew of nominations we’ve received in recent days.“Every year The Bottom Line highlights the top ten companies that have 25 or more employees, now we’re looking for the small businesses and entrepreneurs who play a significant role in Bermuda’s economy,” said Jonathan Kent, editor of The Bottom Line. “There are countless individuals carving their own path in this difficult economic time and we’d like to celebrate their efforts.”Entrepreneurs, one-person shops or small businesses with less than 25 employees are eligible to enter. If you own a small business, work for one or just couldn’t live without one, we want to hear from you.After the nomination period, a panel of independent small business experts will select five to be featured in the July Bottom Line, out Island-wide in The Royal Gazette on July 2.To nominate a small business, contact Info@bottomline.bm or call 278-0138.