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Three receive MarketPlace education awards

Deserving recipients: pictured, from left, are MarketPlace education award recipients Akim Johnston, Keneilla Morrison, and Shane Burrows (Photograph supplied)

The MarketPlace has announced that Shane Burrows, Akim Johnston and Keneilla Morrison are the recipients of the organisation’s education award.

The MarketPlace Education Award is an annual programme providing financial support and guaranteed employment during length of study to students employed with The MarketPlace group of stores. It provides students who demonstrate academic advancement the opportunity to pursue higher education overseas with the surety of employment during school breaks.

Mr Burrows, a graduate of The Berkeley Institute, will enter his freshman year at the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom this fall to study law.

Mr Johnston, also a graduate of The Berkeley Institute, will be entering his sophomore year at Brandon University in Manitoba, Canada, working towards a bachelor’s degree in physical education.

Ms Morrison, a graduate of CedarBridge Academy, recently graduated from Bermuda College with an associate of arts (business administration) degree. She will head to Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia in the fall to complete her undergraduate studies in accounting.

Seth Stutzman, president of The MarketPlace, said: “We are proud to provide this award to three deserving young achievers. Shane, Akim and Keneilla’s hard work and dedication shows, each having begun with The MarketPlace as packers and worked their way up to part-time associates while completing their high school studies.”

He added: “This is not only an opportunity for us to give back to the community that we serve but a fantastic opportunity to support some of our many hard-working and dedicated associates. It is an investment in our people and our community. We are thrilled to provide this support. All three have bright futures ahead.”