A steroid used to treat asthmatics may have protected them from infection by the coronavirus, a member of an health group said yesterday.
Tracy Nash, the direct...
A steroid used to treat asthmatics may have protected them f...
To see Jonathan Betts in action, you’d never think he had asthma.
He runs, bikes and swims competitively. His not-so-secret weapon is Symbicort, the preventer h...
To see Jonathan Betts in action, you’d never think he had as...
Le-Jai Simmons’s “super exuberant” personality drew people in.
It’s one of the many wonderful things that Je-Shae Pace remembers about the friend she lost two y...
Le-Jai Simmons’s “super exuberant” personality drew people i...
The asthma charity of Bermuda was forced to cancel its public demonstration for World Asthma Day today for public safety.
But Tracy Nash, the director of asthma...
The asthma charity of Bermuda was forced to cancel its publi...
Asthmatics should take extra precautions over the Covid-19 pandemic, a charity said yesterday.
Liz Boden, the president of asthma group Open Airways, said peopl...
Asthmatics should take extra precautions over the Covid-19 p...
Three nurses have just completed a demanding 6-month asthma diploma course. Allison Maycock -KEMH Gosling, Vasanthi Ashoke Kumar- KEMH Emergency and Brittany Da...
Three nurses have just completed a demanding 6-month asthma ...
A new education campaign designed to boost knowledge about asthma was sparked by the tragic death of a young boy in Britain.
Open Airways, an island asthma cha...
A new education campaign designed to boost knowledge about a...
An asthma expert reminded the public to take time to think about their breathing — and what they are breathing.
Liz Boden, co-founder of asthma charity Open Air...
An asthma expert reminded the public to take time to think a...
Children with severe, persistent asthma are 30 times more likely to develop chronic respiratory disease in adulthood, according to the Minister of Health.
Children with severe, persistent asthma are 30 times more li...
Asthma charity Open Airways will be hosting events on three days this week to help sufferers learn how to manage their condition.
“Do you have an asthma action...
Asthma charity Open Airways will be hosting events on three ...
Dust mites thrive in Bermuda’s warm and humid climate.
While generally harmless to most people, they can cause health problems for asthmatics and those sensiti...
Dust mites thrive in Bermuda’s warm and humid climate.
Julee Smith is considered a hero, of sorts, at Westgate Correctional Facility. About 15 per cent of the inmates suffer from asthma; the nurse recently took a co...
Julee Smith is considered a hero, of sorts, at Westgate Corr...
Asthma charity Open Airways is “disappointed” that legislation providing stricter controls for the sale of tobacco has been delayed.
The Tobacco Control Act 20...
Asthma charity Open Airways is “disappointed” that legislati...
Asthma charity Open Airways is backing proposed legislation amendments that will restrict the sale of electronic cigarettes.
The Tobacco Control Act 2015, firs...
Asthma charity Open Airways is backing proposed legislation ...
A new school year brings special challenges for the 2,000 children in Bermuda with asthma.
The disease is the main reason why students miss classes, according t...
A new school year brings special challenges for the 2,000 ch...