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We need to work together

Democracy should never become ambiguous, where those in authority take it upon themselves, for whatever reason, to determine what is best for the people, without their full input. Such an attitude, like it or not, carries more than a hint of dictatorial antics that most freedom loving people reject since they, the people, find themselves coming in second place to some Government objectives without having a say on important matters.With massive global communication these days, a number of governments on the planet have been exposed for disregarding the wishes of the people, and in some cases have inflicted severe punishment on those who object to their particular brand of authority.When any government embarks on a route that even hints at power that overrides the rights and concerns of the people, it is a clear warning sign that they are slipping out of focus in their role as guardians of democracy.Here in Bermuda we have many serious issues to confront and problems never encountered before, and yet we seem to be in a twilight zone of political posturing over who is best qualified to deal with our dilemma.The subject of Independence is the furthest from the minds of most Bermudians locked in a daily struggle to make ends meet during tough economic times. In fact some people shudder to think that anyone could bring this subject up when most Bermudians have already declared they are totally against such a move at this time. It is not to say Independence will never occur, but it should only take place with majority support.Instead, our combined strengths politically and throughout our communities should be focused on how to stem violent crime and the flow of illegal drug activity that continue to plague our communities. The price is going to be awfully high if we lack the guts to drive traffickers out of this deadly business. This should be a priority of any government, but success will depend on the degree of public support. It’s made harder by the reluctance of many to testify against a friend, relative or neighbour. This is sad, but recently Police have reported increased cooperation from the public, especially in light of so many violent crimes that in some cases have resulted in loss of life. Also the safety of our children from a potential stray bullet cannot be taken lightly.The bottom line? We can no longer bury our heads in the pink sand and wish our problems away.No amount of political posturing by any group can prevent the truth from reaching the surface and every politician should carry this knowledge close to their heart.Even well intentioned governments can drift off course when issues overtake them, and the cup will run dry with explanations and excuses as to how this or that happened. The populace is not waiting in the bushes to ambush the Government at every turn. But sound thinking people resent being told the sun is shining when they are up to their ankles in a puddle.Bermuda is too small for that nonsense. Irrespective of who wins a general election, there will be little progress without leaders connecting with the very soul of our communities to remove the them-and-us concept that divides our community.We need politicians willing to hold the torch of truth and transparency high, even if they have to oppose members of their own party to do so. This can be most challenging in party politics, especially when party unity and image is placed above everything else.In any war, various branches of the military must work as partners to achieve objectives. If only our politicians on both sides could see themselves as a team against the many problems facing Bermuda, it would open the door for common sense and improved cooperation for what is best for the Bermudian people.Without that approach our future remains a giant question mark.