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Enjoy some year-end fun with my quiz

Still making news: Sir John Swan, former Premier

Oh, the things that people say, Mr. Editor. They often make for good copy, as we say in the trade, and for interesting reading for sure. So this week, by way of my “Year in Review”, readers are challenged to identify who said what in 2015 but with a twist for a bit of year-end fun.

Here’s how it works — or is supposed to. The reported remarks of various personalities — lifted from the pages of The Royal Gazette, thank you — are juxtaposed.

In most cases, not necessarily all, each speaker may be talking about different events or issues, but somehow when combined appear to make better sense (to me), and, help make the quiz far more challenging and far more interesting (I hope).

The quick quiz doesn’t cover the waterfront (pun intended) but through this mix and match tries to touch some of the highlights for the year.

There are no rules and any resemblance to real events or real people is, of course, intended.

Give yourself one point for each correct answer and bonus points if you guess the event or issue about which each person is speaking — and please, try to see how well you can do without first peeking at the answers below.

Here we go — with the quotes. Try to match them with the names above and below:

1a. The only lesson learnt is that politics is a big boy’s game and you can get very dirty at times. I am comfortable with who I am and what I am doing and I don’t have to look over my shoulder.

b. Upon careful reflection, I believe I could and should have taken a different course of action.


2a. It’s a huge change from the way we have been doing business.

b. We have elected people to make difficult decisions on our behalf.


3a. At critical times you need to put politics aside. When we are building the economy, we all need to work together and make it work.

b. If we want to build a long-term economic plan for the future, then both parties have to work together.


4a. Granny dumping is not a new phenomenon. It has been happening for 30 years.

b. All the way around it’s not sustainable for the government. It is not sustainable for seniors. We will start to see more people having difficulties.


5a. There are no deficiencies because we are operating by a different set of rules.

b. It is evident that the policies, procedures and rules pertaining to capital expenditures are being violated to such an extent that it has now become the norm for which there are no consequences.


6a. It is not Sesame Street and we can’t lead the economy according to Ernie and Burt.

b. We are not happy with the pace of progress, it has been frustrating. But we believe we have done the right thing in thinking about the long -term solution rather than looking for a quick fix.

7a. If the Government intends on taking our money, they intend on picking a fight. But we don’t intend on backing down.

b. We have left everything too late — we are a dollar too poor and a day too late.


8a. I believe it’s such an event that if you have an entrepreneurial spirit, it’s almost impossible not to figure out how to make a good buck when tens of thousands of people are going to be here with needs.

b. Despite the glitter all will not be gold.


9a. Before anything can happen, we suggest that the PLP closet themselves in a room and figure out what they need to do to speak with one voice, not two or three.

b. At the risk of getting my knuckles rapped, as a Government we need to listen to what people are saying.


10a. It’s emotive but it need not be when you see what we are trying to achieve. It’s to assist and boost the Bermuda economy.

b. Some people have it backward and I wonder if other motivations are in play.

The list of potential speakers, all pictured:

Sir John Swan; Michael Dunkley; Lynne Woolridge; David Burt; Bob Richards; Marc Bean; Tony Brannon; Shawn Crockwell; Michael Fahy; Claudette Fleming; Mark Pettingill; Craig Cannonier; Kim Wilson; Gita Gutierrez; Bill Hanbury; Heather Jacobs Matthews; Walton Brown; Randy Horton; Leah Scott; and Jason Hayward.

Good luck. Have fun — and happy new year everyone!


1a. Craig Cannonier b. Randy Horton; 2a. Gita Gutierrez b.Tony Brannon; 3a. Michael Dunkley b. David Burt; 4a. Kim Wilson b. Claudette Fleming; 5a. Bob Richards b. Heather Matthews; 6a. Mark Pettingill b. Bill Hanbury; 7a. Jason Hayward b. Sir John Swan; 8a. Shawn Crockwell b. Marc Bean; 9a. Lynne Woolridge b. Leah Scott; 10a. Michael Fahy and b. Walton Brown.