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Election survival guide

This gets our vote: getting enough sleep is key to reducing stress levels

1. Have you experienced increased blood pressure when logging onto Facebook or YouTube?

2. Have you noticed an increase in red and green during your day-to-day, even though it’s July?

3. Do you find yourself bringing up “neutral dinner party” topics such as religion or which Cup Match team is the greatest of all time?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, there is a good chance it is election time in Bermuda!

We are a few weeks out and tensions are high.

Election buzzwords are getting their 15 minutes of fame and politicians are out running their once-a-four-year door-to-door marathon.

If you are like me, and you are finding all of the online arguments and tension just a tiny bit stressful, here are some tips to stay sane:

1. Unplug every so often

I promise you that if you log out of Facebook, the Bermuda election pages will still be there when you return!

Turn off the computer, put down your phone, switch from talk radio to ANYTHING else. Go for a run, do some yoga, read a book.

Yes, it is important to be well informed with the politics of your country, but give yourself a little detox from it. You will thank yourself later.

2. Drink more water

You may be tempted to drown your political sorrows in caffeine or black rum, but it’s not the healthiest way to cope.

In all seriousness, stress affects your sleep patterns and may make it harder to lose fat or stick to a healthy lifestyle — make sure that you aren’t over-caffeinating. And getting enough sleep is key to reducing stress levels.

3. Exercise

Every time you hear buzzwords like “education” or “jobs”, drop down and do ten push-ups!

4. Humour

We all love this island and want the best for our country and we all have some serious concerns that we want addressed over the next few weeks. We sometimes might get caught up in the chat rooms and comment sections.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with stress, take a step back.

Do something you enjoy and surround yourself with people who make you smile.

•Cassandra Matcham is a Yoga Alliance-certified yoga instructor, studio and group fitness manager at Alchemy Fitness. She specialises in accountability and goal-setting to help clients reach their full potential. Follow Alchemy Fitness on Facebook: AlchemyFitnessBermuda or e-mail info@alchemy.bm.