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Old guard: OBA MPs Jeanne Atherden and Michael Dunkley

Does the sacking of Trevor Moniz, Michael Dunkley and Jeanne Atherden mean the end of their politics or another round in the battle for change? None of them is too old in a political sense and they each have a long list of experiences that cannot be easily surpassed. The issue for them is not what they had, but where they are going with what they had.

Given that I am prone to introspection, I could not help but wonder whether it was also time for persons such as myself, who has carried a torch of activism for more than 40 years, to also make way for younger minds. The issue of retirement is like an influenza bug and is catchy. Maybe this is the time for the world of David Burt, Craig Cannonier and Nick Kempe, to name a few.

Very contrary to one’s feelings, older heads have it that wisdom comes with age and experience, and therefore time in that context is not a negative but rather a means to facilitate perfecting one’s skill.

Yet, today seemingly, the call is not just for wisdom but skill sets that keep one abreast of systems. Technology has revolutionised the world to the extent that many have lost the art of reasoning to solve problems. Many seniors find communication a problem in a digital environment, while the young now rely on instant data and artificial intelligence in place of the mind.

As society becomes more systemised, it is also at risk of getting cut off from its own inner intelligence functions such as intuition and empathy. We are transitioning from leadership based on human quality to a hybrid of intelligence grounded in technology and artificial intelligence. As an early 20th-century couple kiss each other to sleep, in this type of environment, they would say: “Honey, this is what the end of the world looks like.”

America has turned morality and leadership on its head to a point that some are pessimistic that good principles and ideals may ever regain the moral high ground of politics. Certainly, as a young person whose mind was opened wide during the 1960s, I truly thought then that by now, rather than a reversal of ideas, we would be in the land of utopian ideals. That not being the case, I am not frustrated, but realise change comes from a desire from within, and until that occurs, there will be no change.

Trauma-driven response is a coping mechanism where survivors take on the role of the abuser and create a cyclic pattern where the victim’s behaviour is scarcely indistinguishable from that of the abuser. This is not only happening on a personal level, but also it happens in every stratum of society, including our politics.

This cyclic phenomenon is not new and has been known even as far back as biblical times, referred to as a labyrinth.

A labyrinth is not a perpetual, inescapable curse and can be broken. The age-old method involved coming to a complete stop and meditating, which breaks the cycle.

Today, the same principle still can work on a personal, national or even global level. The saying is: “If you are in a hole, stop digging.” We have to stop and make a call to the lord of the universe or to that quantum source, however, one chooses to recognise it. Allow our minds and hearts to refuel with a new energy, then move forward.

In that regards, at least for today and at this moment, I have to lay my sword down beside me, kneel and ask the lord of the universe what can I do to help the leaders of my country — and I would implore we all do the same.