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Our soldiers do the island proud on international goodwill mission

S<$>OLDIERS of the Bermuda Regiment have made themselves a lot of new friends over the past month on the Caribbean island of Grenada. Operation Spice Relief has involved repairing a community centre and a primary school that were wrecked by the ferocious Hurricane Ivan six months ago.That the operation has been a success was a remarkable accomplishment in the face of challenges that went far beyond those expected.

Building materials that were supposed to be ready and waiting for the soldiers on their arrival in Grenada a month ago were not there, due to shipping problems.

But the soldiers buckled down and set about removing the wreckage of the tin roofs that had been destroyed by the storm.

Toiling under the Caribbean sun and living in spartan conditions in the most basic of camps, the soldiers earned respect and gratitude from the people of St. David parish, who would otherwise have had to wait months longer for their wrecked buildings to be restored.

Around 170 soldiers have been involved in the operation. The last consignment will return to Bermuda tomorrow.