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Have never received 6mg internet service

Let's fix it: a BTC subscriber is not getting the requested internet service

Dear Sir.

This an open letter to the Regulatory Authority of Bermuda.

I subscribe to Belco and I get 100 per cent of electricity required to run my home.

If Belco sold me only 50 per cent of my electrical requirements, the RAB would be on them in a heartbeat demanding they correct the issue.

I subscribe to BTC for 6mg internet service and have never received it. At the moment of writing this letter, I am getting just over 2mg. Anyone I speak to has similar complaints. Why isn’t the commission jumping up and down demanding this be fixed? Just watched an advert on TV this evening 100mg for $60. Ouch.

I have inquired on several occasions what’s the residential contention rate? That’s how many subscribers share the same “server”.

The higher the number, the worse the service. If the number was where it should be, it is a good chance I wouldn’t be writing this letter.