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Charman to step down when contract ends

John Charman, president and chief executive of Axis Capital, said he?ll retire within three years, citing messy divorce proceedings currently underway in the UK and Bermuda.

Mr. Charman, a veteran of the Lloyd?s of London market, has lived in Bermuda since Axis was formed in 2001.

International news reports, citing court documents, said his marriage broke down when he made the move.

Mr. Charman?s existing contract runs out at the end of December 2008, and he said in a statement last night that he?ll leave the company then.

Axis chairman Michael Butt said the company reviews its senior management succession plan every year, and that it has until Mr. Charman steps down to plan for the transition. ?John remains totally committed to the company, our strategy remains unchanged and I look forward to continuing to implement it with him.?

Mr. Charman, as of January 17, held three million Axis shares, or about two percent of the company?s total outstanding shares.