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BDA lines up industry forums in US and UK

Successful event: delegates at the Bermuda Business Development Agency’s cross-sector forum in New York last month. The BDA will hold two similar events in Miami and London later this year (Photograph by Sarah Merians)

More overseas multi-industry executive forums to showcase the island’s world-class talent and myriad business opportunities are being planned by the Bermuda Business Development Agency.

Last month the BDA held a cross-sector event in New York, featuring Brian Duperreault, president and chief executive officer of American International Group, as keynote speaker.

Two further events are planned this year. One will be held in Miami in mid-October, aimed at capitalising on already-established business links in the region. The other is scheduled for London at the end of November, mirroring the BDA’s first such event the same time last year.

“We have found these forums to be a very effective vehicle to bring all Bermuda’s industry talent together to make a compelling, collaborative case for our jurisdiction,” said Sean Moran, BDA interim CEO.

“By producing these events ourselves, the BDA can leverage our impressive pool of industry stakeholders, focus on timely themes and trends, and combine the breadth of sectors that make Bermuda so unique, from shipping, funds, captives and reinsurance to fintech and family offices. It’s a successful formula — and a powerful story to tell.”

The event in New York last month saw more than 300 attendees fill the forum location on Seventh Avenue, where more than 60 industry executives detailed Bermuda’s message to an audience of investors, entrepreneurs and C-suite executives on a dozen moderated discussion panels. Topics included cross-border tax, mergers and acquisitions, next-generation wealth, blockchain and insurtech.

Keynote speaker Mr Duperreault highlighted the island’s unique combination of experience, quality and innovation. He said: “Today, if you’re at the height of your game, you’re in Bermuda. If you want to get to the height of your game, you’re going to Bermuda. Bermuda has the most amazing talent base in my business that you can ever assemble.”

The BDA’s first international multi-industry forum in London last November, attracted more than 200 delegates, encompassing a wide range of industries. Robert Childs, deputy chairman of Lloyd’s and chairman of Hiscox, was the keynote speaker.

This year’s Miami and London events will follow a similar format and feature top-level experts across different industry spheres.

Jereme Ramsay, the BDA’s interim head of business development, said: “We’re already attracting a lot of interest from industry representatives in those markets, which are both critical to different global businesses operating from the Bermuda platform.

“Miami is our gateway to Latin America for captive insurance, emerging technologies, and high-net-worth business, and major law firms with influential decision-makers there have Bermuda on their radar. London is a longtime partner market for re/insurance, asset management, trust and private-client business, so it’s important to enhance those relationships and keep our presence felt.”

The BDA will announce dates, venues and registration details for both fall events next month.