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Time to enter Charman Prize

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(Photo by Akil Simmons) Nick Minugh's Face of Parliament will be on show during tonight's opening of The Charman Prize at Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art.

Masterworks is calling for entries for the much-coveted Charman Prize, which recognises Bermuda’s best artists and artwork of the year.Andrew Stevenson won the award last year for a documentary film he made about whales.More traditional artists such as Sabrina Powell, Graham Foster, and Kathy Harriott have won in previous years.Entries will be displayed at Masterworks starting October 12.The winner’s work will permanently sit on display as part of Masterworks’ Bermudiana Collection.“Many people enter the Charman Prize competition with purposeful pieces tailored to the judging criteria, and others submit work primarily to have the chance to be exhibited and included as part of Bermuda’s artistic community,” said Kate Waters, curator of special exhibitions at Masterworks. “There is a wide range of community expression represented in this exhibition, and we welcome those who are inspired to enter the competition.”On average there are 90 entries each year. In the competition’s history there has been a total of 323 exhibited, with 212 artists represented. The competition is named after its sponsor, John Charman, the CEO and president of Axis Capital Holdings and an avid art collector.“The intention of the Charman Prize is to exhibit artwork inspired by Bermuda and to honour and support artists in the creation of their artwork,” said Ms Waters. “Along with displaying the extraordinary range of artistic talent that exists within the community, the competition awards prizes to confer tangible recognition of excellence to the worthy recipients.“In the past five years since inception, the Charman Prize remains evermore a well-established highlight of the annual art calendar in Bermuda,” said Ms Waters.The winning artist will received $10,000. Four prizes of $2,500 will be awarded and 12 prizes of $100.To enter, visit www.bermudamasterworks.com and look under exhibitions. The deadline for entry is June 25.

Charman Prize:Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art. Gavin Smith, Bermuda Through The Eyes of the Young Black Man. (Photo by Akil Simmons) August 31,2011