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Breaking News: BDA supports concept of gaming in Bermuda

The Bermuda Democratic Alliance today said it supported the concept of gaming in Bermuda — but only in association with legislation regulating its implementation.

In a statement, the party says it has “carefully reviewed the Green Paper and has debated at length the issues related to gaming in Bermuda”.

The statement added: “The Alliance supports the concept of gaming in Bermuda, but only in association with legislation that will clearly, fairly and transparently regulate its implementation. This is very important since we do not support all of the recommendations in the Green Paper.”

It also said that the party would only support an actual gaming bill if certain criteria are met, and said everything possible must be done to:

* Reduce the potential anti-social effects of furthering gaming operations in Bermuda.

* Eliminate the potential for unethical behaviour through potential government interference in gaming operations.

* Ring fence proceeds from gaming that go to government for particular projects to ensure transparency.

The statement added: “Though careful implementation and regulation, it is possible to find the middle ground, a better way. The Alliance will only support legislation which incorporates gaming if we are confident that the process will be open and fair, and that it's implementation will benefit Bermuda as a whole.

“We believe that gaming has the potential to contribute to our tourism industry, but recognize that this is only one part of a number of measures which are necessary to re-establish a quality and comprehensive tourism product.

“Gaming alone will not salvage tourism, but can be a part of the recovery. In short gaming and casinos must not be an illusion of a solution to the failing tourism product and should be just one piece of the puzzle in rejuvenating tourism.”

The Gaming Green paper — a consultation paper — will be debated by MPs on Friday when the House of Assembly reconvenes. Yesterday, the UBP issued a statement saying it did not believe gaming was in the best interests of the Island.

The BDA statement added: “We welcome the necessary further discussion and debate on the gaming issue, and our MP's will expand upon these points in the House on Friday. It is our pledge that if the necessary controls are not put in place when a bill is tabled we will not be able to support it.”

* Full story in tomorrow’s Royal Gazette.