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Government offers financial aid to overspenders

Government is offering to manage family budgets for those tempted to overspend over Christmas.Financial Assistance social worker Kennette Robinson is money managing several of her clients.She said the programme would also help them beyond the temptations of the festive season.Ms Robinson said the programme had been a modest success.

Government is offering to manage family budgets for those tempted to overspend over Christmas.

Financial Assistance social worker Kennette Robinson is money managing several of her clients.

She said the programme would also help them beyond the temptations of the festive season.

Ms Robinson said the programme had been a modest success.

And Government has released US statistics showing the pressures on families. They are:

44 percent of people feel pressured to overspend during the holidays.

49 percent feel pressured by family and friends to over extend themselves.

47 percent went into debt last holiday season with more than one in five still paying that debt 11 months later.