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Respected former Royal Gazette writer dies at 57

Respected writer: Beverley Causey-Smith before her stroke, and the loss of her beloved Boston terrier Isabelle.

Former Royal Gazette Supplements writer Beverley Causey-Smith has passed. She was 57.Mrs Causey-Smith died on Sunday, July 24, at the Duke University Hospital’s Duke Heart Center after suffering a heart attack.“She’s in a better place,” said her husband of 34 years Dennis Smith.Mrs Causey-Smith was born in Loris, South Carolina, to a loving family. Her father died when she was aged ten and her mother moved the family to Wilmington, North Carolina. It was in North Carolina that she and Dennis met.“We met in French class at University of North Carolina,” he said. “She was a freshman and I was a sophomore. We had a love for France and went many times.”The couple had hoped to retire there and had looked at purchasing a home in France, but unfortunately she became ill and they didn’t want to gamble with her health, so they purchased a home in Maine instead.Mrs Causey-Smith was an avid sports woman who had been at the top of her game in badminton, tennis and squash. She also loved swimming and writing.“She had all kinds of trophies, she was the [badminton] Triple Crown Champion, which meant she held the title of mixed doubles, ladies doubles and singles champion,” said Mr Smith.“She loved entertaining, but did not love cooking, but cooked well [and loved serving] on her Shelley China,” he said.“She always invited people to come to Sunday lunch she was a great cook.”Mr Smith wanted to thank her caregivers for their dedicated service.“Ysabel Morrisey came all the way from Somerset [to our home in St George’s] when it was her shift and Dawn Tuzo who had her car and who would take her out to lunch.“She never wanted to stay still.”In May of this year, Mrs Causey-Smith proudly watched her daughter Courtney graduate from Johns Hopkins University.Bill Zuill, Editor of The Royal Gazette, said: “I was deeply saddened to hear of Beverley’s passing. She was a dedicated writer in our Supplements section and a tremendous advocate for getting more coverage of St George’s and the East End in the paper. She had a great love of language, which came through in her work.“She had a lovely personality and was unfailingly cheerful, regardless of the challenges she faced. I know that the last few years have been difficult for her and her family and on behalf of her friends at The Royal Gazette, I offer our sincere condolences to Dennis and Courtney, to whom she was absolutely devoted.”Mrs Causey-Smith worked at The Royal Gazette during the 1990s and early 2000s. She is survived by her husband Dennis, daughter Courtney and her sister Jan Wolfe.The cremation has taken place in North Carolina and on Sunday there will be a memorial service in South Carolina.Arrangements for a memorial service in Bermuda will be announced at a later date.Condolences can be e-mailed to winleigh[AT]logic.bm.In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Duke University Hospital’s Duke Heart Center in memory of Beverley Causey-Smith by visiting www.gifts.duke.edu/daa.