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Netflix now available in Bermuda

US movie and TV subscription service Netflix is now available in Bermuda.For just $7.99 a month the same price as in the US local residents can get unlimited movies and TV episodes downloaded instantly over the internet to their TV or computers.But there’s a catch!The service costs the same as America, but the library of movies and shows the Island’s residents will have access to is not the same.Due to licencing and other issues the library is far smaller and does not appear, for now, to include many new releases.And many of the movies and shows available in Bermuda are dubbed in Spanish and Portuguese without the English versions being available as well.Also, Netflix's service here is streaming-only, with no DVD-in-the-mail option.To compare, Netflix's streaming library in the US is about one-fifth the size of the 100,000 selections in the physical DVD section plus new movies are not available on the streaming service until several months after their retail release date.It’s not clear if the library will grow over time.A Netflix representative admitted yesterday the US market does have access to “way more” movies as it has had the service longer. She said new releases are not available on the streaming service for at least three to six months after they come out.The launch in Bermuda is part of Netflix’s rollout in Mexico, South America and the Caribbean as part of a major international expansion.The company has also announced a deal with CBS to offer content in these regions.