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CableVision donates hampers to 20 families

More than a dozen single-parent families will be given food baskets, including Christmas turkeys, thanks to Bermuda CableVision and the Women’s Resource Centre.In an announcement yesterday, CableVision said it would donate hampers to 20 families who are facing financial challenges this holiday season.General Manager Terry Roberson said: “Christmas should be a time of joy but, as we all know, it can also be an expensive and stressful time as we deck the halls, fill the refrigerator and hit the stores for gifts.“We decided to reach out to single mothers this year with our Christmas donation.“For them, making the festivities magical for their children can be an even greater financial challenge, particularly in this already tough economy.”Accepting the donation, Sherrie Outerbridge of the Women’s Resource Centre agreed that the holidays put additional pressure on low-income families.“As we work closely with all our clients, we know that at this time of year they need extra support,” she said. “We are grateful to Bermuda CableVision for recognising and supporting us by donating items of need.”Useful websites: www.wrcbermuda.com. www.cablevision.bm.