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Guidelines for keeping up appearance of listed buildings and historic areas

Guidelines have been published for signs, doors and shutters in historic protection areas.

The guidelines from the Department of Planning, produced in consultation with the Historic Building’s Advisory Committee and St George’s Preservation Authority, highlights issues that can arise when repairing, replacing or installing such items.

The first of the two documents covers the guidelines for shutters, windows and doors in listed buildings and historic protection areas, detailing the advantages and disadvantages of wood, PVC and aluminium, and when the more modern materials are appropriate to use.

The introduction to the guidelines states: “Wooden windows, shutters and doors contribute significantly to the special character of many Bermuda buildings. However PVC or aluminium models are often chosen for reasons of initial cost and a perception that they are ‘maintenance-free’.

“The installation of PVC and aluminium windows, shutters and doors can completely alter the appearance of a Listed Building. There may be some cases where certain types of non-wooden windows, shutters and doors may be permitted.”

The World Heritage Site Guidelines for Advertising Signs meanwhile details both the rules about advertising signs and how to apply for permission to install such a sign.

Both documents are available online at the Department of Planning website.