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Life coach picks up Duperreault Fellowship scholarship

Pictured from left to right: Nancy Duperreault, Annesa Saunders, Dakari Saunders, Pete Saunders and Brian Duperreault. (Photo by Antoine Hunt)

Life coach Pete Saunders will begin studying for a doctorate in Human Development later this year after picking up a grant worth $45,000.

Mr Saunders was awarded the scholarship by the Duperreault Fellowship, a fund designed to enhance the professional capabilities of individuals working in substance abuse prevention and treatment programmes in Bermuda.

Mr. Saunders was recognised as a Duperreault Fellow at a luncheon hosted today at ACE Bermuda and will receive $15,000 a year for three years. He will begin his studies this fall at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California.

“Pete was the unanimous choice of our scholarship committee,” said Duperreault Fellowship chairman Katherine Watson.

“His complete and unwavering commitment to bettering the lives of those suffering the effects of substance abuse, his sterling academic record, his volunteerism with local charities, including Impact Mentoring and The Family Centre, and his impeccable credentials made him an outstanding candidate for The Duperreault Fellowship.

“In the decade since The Duperreault Fellowship was founded, substance abuse has not loosened its grip on our community,” said Mrs. Watson.

“There isn’t a family or organisation in Bermuda who hasn’t in some way been impacted by someone’s abuse of alcohol and drugs. However, the pool of professionals trained to address the issue has grown, as has Bermuda’s ability to find effective and lasting solutions to this scourge on our Island.

“We are indebted to Nancy and Brian Duperreault, and to The ACE Foundation, for establishing a vehicle that guarantees support to qualified individuals committed to addressing this complex problem.”

Mr. Saunders, who was presented with his award by top insurance executive Brian Duperreault and his wife Nancy, will continue serving the Bermuda community once he completes his doctoral studies. He will apply coaching and other transformative learning methods to support individuals in recovery to produce extraordinary results and breakthroughs in their lives while advancing their recovery from addiction.

The Duperreault Fellowship was established in 2004 with a $500,000 donation from Mr and Mrs Duperreault and a $1 million gift from The ACE Foundation in honour of Mr Duperreault’s leadership at the ACE Group of Companies. Since its establishment, The Duperreault Fellowship has supported the professional development of eight therapists, administrators and clinicians providing services in Bermuda.

For more information about The Duperreault Fellowship, interested individuals may visit bermudascholarships.com or write to DuperreaultFellowship@gmail.com.