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A natural comic and inspiration as a father

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Always smiling: Stuart Doyle had the ability to enter a room and light it up; everyone was always happy to see him

Cheerful, charming and forever funny — Stuart Doyle passed away on Friday evening at the age of 79.

Mr Doyle was famed on the island for his talents in stand-up comedy and acting, taking up both in middle-age and becoming a regular fixture at the Bermuda Musical & Dramatic Society.

The father-of-two from Pembroke was also a keen runner, regularly participating in the New York City Marathon until a knee injury saw him take up long-distance walking instead.

“I very much idolised my dad; he’s who I modelled myself after,” said Mr Doyle’s son Charles. “He was the best father ever and my best friend.”

Charles recalled that his father held all manner of roles in his career — serving in the United States Army in his younger years, and moving on to jobs including management consultancy and motivational speaking. “When people asked me what my dad did, I didn’t know what to say,” Charles added. “I told him that and he said, ‘Tell them I’m an entrepreneurial generalist’.

“He just had the ability to enter a room and light it up. Everyone was always happy to see him.”

Nicola Flood was a friend of Mr Doyle’s who directed him in the 2010 BMDS play Dad’s Army, based on the popular British sitcom.

“When you needed someone to perk you up, Stu would always be there. You just looked at him and you laughed,” she said.

“He was a consummate professional, a great guy and a very dear friend. He will be missed in many ways.”

Gavin Wilson from the BMDS also appeared in Dad’s Army at the Daylesford Theatre — playing Private Jones opposite Mr Doyle’s Private Godfrey.

“What wasn’t there to like about the guy?” Mr Wilson said.

“Stuart was a lovely fellow and a natural comic.

“He would be dressed resplendent in his military uniform, paired with bedroom slippers, and he carried it through straight-faced. What a delight.”

Adrian Robson, a friend and former road runner, called Mr Doyle “a wonderful character who was full of life”.

“Stuart entered a lot of the road races — he wasn’t the fastest, but he was always entertaining,” Mr Robson said. “He always had a smile on his face, but more importantly he put a smile on other people’s faces.”

Mr Doyle is survived by his ex-wife Judith, son Charles, daughter Katherine and granddaughters Madeleine and Scarlett. His memorial service will be held from 2pm on Monday August 15 at the Peace Lutheran Church in Paget.

From left, Gavin Wilson, Alan Brookes and Stuart Doyle in the Bermuda Music and Dramatic Society's production of "Dad's Army"