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Women’s support group awarded

Jeffrey Baron presented a cheque for $15,000 to Denae Burchall, the Women’s Resource Centre’s fund development and programme assistant.

Minister for National Security Jeffrey Baron presented a cheque for $15,000 to the Women’s Resource Centre on behalf of the government’s Cash Back for Communities initiative.

The Women’s Resource Centre provides a safe refuge for women in Bermuda, offering resources and a supportive voice.

Mr Baron made the presentation to Denae Burchall, the WRC’s fund development and programme assistant.

“The Ministry of National Security wholeheartedly supports the efforts of the WRC and the important work that they do. They have proven to be a powerful advocacy organisation in Bermuda and we commend their commitment and dedication to the empowerment and advancement of women and girls in Bermuda through their counselling and awareness services. As this is the season of giving and supporting our charities, we are pleased to be able to give back to an organisation that gives so much to others in our community.”

The cash back programme was highlighted in last month’s Throne Speech.

Mr Baron added: “Government will continue supporting communities, sports clubs and helping agencies through Cash Back for Communities, a programme made possible through the Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act.”

To date, more than $600,000 has been distributed in support of community organisations and programmes.