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Gallery enjoys $10k boost

Supporting arts: students take part in one of the Bermuda National Gallery’s educational programmes, one of many aimed at young people as young as two

The Bermuda National Gallery’s educational programmes have been given a $10,000 boost thanks to a donation from Axis Speciality.

The donation builds on the annual appeal currently under way.

Education programmes at BNG are aimed at young people who are underexposed to the arts and they reach over 5,000 students each year, from as young as two.

BNG executive director Lisa Howie said: “Research proves that engagement with art can improve critical thinking skills, overall achievement in school, self-confidence, and employability.

“We are aware of the importance of experiential learning in the museum context and diverse learning styles.

“We advantage the museum as a place where young people can open their imaginations and voice their opinions and ideas free of evaluation.

“Through our programmes, students come to know more about themselves and the world around them.”

AXIS charity committee member Alice Cedenio said of the partnership: “It is an honour and privilege to contribute to the BNG who, through their educational programmes, are dedicated to promoting art for all children in Bermuda. We hope that many more children benefit from these initiatives.”

For more information on BNG’s education programmes, go to the Learn section on www.bng.bm

Anyone interested in making a donation to BNG’s educational programmes can do so by direct deposit to: HSBC a/c no. 010-368322-001, a/c name Bermuda Fine Art Trust.