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Cutting lawns for the needy in every state

Rodney Smith (File photograph)

Bermudian Rodney Smith Jr is embarking on a one-man mission to cut lawns in every state of America for single mothers, veterans and the elderly.

Mr Smith, who has been previously recognised for his selfless lawn mowing while studying in Alabama, is stepping up to a new level through the 50 States, 50 Lawns project.

It kicks off on Wednesday in Huntsville, Alabama, where Mr Smith launched Raising Men Lawn Care Service less than two years ago.

The organisation’s mission is to keep youth on a positive path through community service by providing free lawn care for those in need.

Travelling with not much more than a mower and yard tools, Mr Smith will cut one lawn in each state and meet with local youths interested in helping their neighbours and communities.

To motivate young people nationwide, Mr Smith is also advocating for Raising Men Lawn Care Service’s 50-yard challenge.

In the challenge, each participant will be rewarded with a different coloured T-shirt after every ten yards completed, similar to the colour system used in karate. When they hit 50 yards, they get a black shirt and a new lawnmower.

Mr Smith said in a press release: “For many single mothers, veterans and our disabled and elderly neighbours, maintaining lawns simply isn’t possible.

“I’m on a mission to inspire — and teach — our youth to give back to their communities for free. RMLS is here to support and inspire them along the way.”

Mr Smith plans to reach all 50 states in less than two months. His route and additional information is available at 50states50lawns.com.

To help him with travel expenses and equipment, Briggs & Stratton Corporation made a contribution to RMLS to support its mission.

Rick Carpenter, vice-president of corporate marketing at the company, stated: “Rodney and Raising Men Lawn Care Service are living a mission that’s making a difference in people’s lives on a daily basis.

“That unbridled passion to help others is the essence of You Powered, and Rodney embodies it in the truest sense.”

To learn more about Mr Smith and RMLS, visit weareraisingmen.com, or connect with him on Facebook at Facebook.com/rjr.smith, and Instagram @rodneysmithjr