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ThinkFest talk on fish biology

Kevin Minors (Photograph supplied)

Invading fish will be the subject of the next ThinkFest 2017 lecture this Sunday.

Kevin Minors will speak on “The Mathematics of Invading Fish, Hostile Bacteria and an Election” at Bermuda College’s North Hall Lecture Theatre.

The presentation will reveal key breakthroughs on aspects of fish biology, bacterial behaviour and elections, and explain the research process and underlying mathematical models,

According to a ThinkFest press release, Mr Minors has already presented the results of his research at conferences globally, but this will be his first in Bermuda. Mr Minors will return to the University of Bath immediately after the presentation to defend his thesis before being formally awarded a doctorate in mathematics.

He said: “The first project focuses on how a population of fish invade along a river and utilises mathematical theory to discover whether fish swim faster when they want to reproduce.

“The second project focuses on bacteria and how it invades past an obstacle. Finally, the project on voters in an election will look at one particular voting model and explore what is the best way to persuade people to your preferences.”

Tickets can be purchased online at https://think.bm or at the door.