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Committee of 25 donates $6,000 for children

Welcome funds: the Committee of 25 has made Christmas better for 12 children’s groups. Pictured front row, from left, are Sharika Tucci, Martha Dismont, Patrice Minors, Thea Furbert, Davina Dickson and Chandra-Lee Bascome; back, Lisa Smart, Lindsey Sirju, Cindy Corday, Chrissie Kempe and Deborah Hoyte (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Twelve groups were given $500 each yesterday as part of a Christmas giveaway by a charity set up to help the disabled.

The Committee of 25 handed over the cash to the charities at The Royal Gazette’s offices.

Patrice Minors, spokeswoman for the committee, said: “We’re pleased to be able to be in the position to make this donation and to register charities that have children as their focus and the care of them.”

Ms Minors added that all the groups donated to cared for “the whole child, and those that find themselves more challenged than others”.

Charities that benefited included WindReach, an outdoor centre for the disabled, and Tomorrow’s Voices, which works with autistic children, and the adult literacy charity The Reading Clinic.

Glenn Faries, executive director of The Reading Clinic, thanked the committee for their donation.

He added that the money will go towards funding classes and bursaries for struggling families.

Other charities that received donations included the Foster Parents’ Association, Family Centre, Impact Mentoring Academy, Friends of Hope Academy, Special Olympics Bermuda, Bermuda Autism Support, the Coalition for the Protection of Children, Bermuda Centre for Creative Learning, and BSmart Bermuda.

Ms Minors added that the committee welcomed volunteers for their Bargain Box thrift store in Midsea Lane, Pembroke.