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Airport staff help clean up nature reserve

Staff at Aecon joined Keep Bermuda Beautiful and the Bermuda National Trust cleaning up Paget Marsh Nature Reserve.

Staff at Aecon took a break from building the airport to help local charities clean up Paget Marsh Nature Reserve.

Keep Bermuda Beautiful, Bermuda National Trust and 32 Aecon staff members cleared significant amounts of the invasive balloon vine and picked up the underlying litter.

They collected four truckloads of horticultural waste and 26 bags of trash and recyclable items on December 5 and 12, leaving the reserve “noticeably improved”.

The effort was part of the Corporate Community Service programme organised by Anne Hyde, KBB executive director, and Scott Bell, Aecon’s environmental health and safety manager.

Mr Bell said: “I have been here for almost two years now and it was a great feeling to give back to Bermuda after giving me the opportunity to work in this beautiful country.

“I am very proud of everyone who participated in this event to make it a success. After all, we have a busy schedule and we do not necessarily have the time; we just have the heart.”

The employees of Aecon and their subcontractors are Aecon Airport Constructors Ltd, Aecon Water, Aecon Industrial Western, Glidepath and Foursite Greymane Joint Venture. The subcontractors on the airport job are a mix of local and overseas companies.

Ms Hyde chose to add the BNT to the collaborative group and expressed her gratitude for the assistance of its conservation officer Lawrence Doughty.

Ryan Burke of Aecon added: “It was extremely rewarding to take part in the regeneration of the marshes reservation.

“It was amazing to see how a few willing hands can make a huge difference. Not only did we do a small part in preserving a beautiful area of Bermuda but we all had fun in the sun.”