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Night to remember for driver Vieira

Joe Vieira managed three wins during the final Cablevision Friday Night Series at Vesey Street(File photo by Mark Tatem)

Joe Vieira had a night to remember during the final Cablevision Friday Night Series at Vesey Street at the weekend.The veteran driver recorded two wins with Arnold Manders’ mare, Colonel’s Finest, to claim the coveted blanket and top prize money in the 1:08/3-1:10/3 time bar on average time.He also pocketed cash earnings after finishing third in the Cablevision Series with mare Cherokee Kibbitz competing in the Free for All.“It was obviously cold with the weather but the horses tend to still get out there and do their job and overall it was a good night,” Vieira said. “I had three different horses to drive and they all ran good.”The 36-year old driver also managed a win in the Free for All competing with gelding Down Home Punch.He nearly posted two wins in the Free for All after leading the field down the home stretch in Heat 20. However, he was eventually pipped at the line by Colin Mello and track record holder Big Red Machine.“I held the race to the final wire but Colin (Mello) and Big Red Machine nosed me at the finish,” Vieira said. “Big Red Machine is always a stiff competitor so you just go out there and aim to try and beat him. But if you can’t at least you know you were beaten by the best.”Mello, who had one win on the night, won the blanket and top prize money in the Cablevision Series in the Free for All.Remaining Cablevision Series purse winners included promising driver Tyler Lopes (1:05 - 1:06), Dylan DeSilva (1:07/2-1:08/2), Maurice Raynor (1:10/4-1:12/4), Lindsay Sousa (1:06/1-1:07/1) and Chad Sutherland (1:13 & Slower).Veteran driver Edward Roque recorded the night’s fastest time of 1:04 flat with GV Crystal Ball in the Free for All while female driver Lindsay Sousa came to within two fifths of a second of getting a leg out of the 1:06/1- 1:07/1 time bar competing with Real Lady Like.Remaining multiple heat winners included Thomas Whited, Raynor, Sutherland and Sousa.