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OBA calls for fixed term elections

One Bermuda Alliance Chairman Michael Fahy yesterday called for fixed term elections as speculation grows over when Premier Paula Cox will send people to the polls.The OBA has pledged in its platform to introduce fixed term elections as part of a proposal to improve democracy meaning a general election would take place on a set date instead of one the Premier selects.After Ms Cox put the Progressive Labour Party in election mode last week, Mr Fahy told The Royal Gazette: “In the event of an election being called the OBA will be prepared to contest all constituencies.“Nevertheless we believe it is time to end this kind of speculation and bring about fixed term elections. It will enhance our democratic institutions and mean real change for Bermuda.“We need to concentrate on fixing Bermuda’s problems rather than worrying about bringing the Country to the polls. Now is not the time. Crime is rampant, our education system is dire and the economy is in terrible shape: this is what we need to focus on.”On Saturday, the PLP launched its Island-wide canvassing blitz Election Action Day, after Ms Cox e-mailed members to say they need to move into action. PLP canvassing training is well underway, while fund-raising campaigns have been organised and platform committees have presented ideas to Central Committees.But Ms Cox has refused to say when she’ll call an election, meaning it could be any time before December 2012, which would be five years after the last one. Some senior PLP members have urged her to pick an early date, to take advantage of the transitional state of the Opposition. However, extra canvassing will be required this time as there has been a shake-up of constituency boundaries, while a number of internal battles at branch level are still to be decided; the PLP is also said to have little money in the coffers at this stage.