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Table tennis club looking for new home

Smash Table Tennis Club will close at the end of the month

After four years of being an outlet for preteen and teenage boys, Smash is closing its doors, hopefully only temporarily.

Sitting in the heart of Reid Street, Smash has been a safe haven for young and old, corporate types, families and all of those who have love for table tennis.

The only full-time table tennis facility in Bermuda has been working hard to find a more suitable home but has been unable to do so. Smash’s last opening day will be March 31 until a new home can be found.

Jaymo Durham, the club’s owner has been actively trying to find a permanent home for table tennis in Bermuda but has been unsuccessful.

It was believed that housing the facility in the heart of Hamilton would be good for parents and children, however it has proven difficult to maintain.

“Unfortunately being housed in an office building came with severe limitations” Durham said.

“If you know anything about children they can be loud and rambunctious and our landlord advised that there had been complaints from other tenants of the building regarding the noise that the children made particularly when schools were out and we hosted camps.

“With the continuous complaints of the tenants, the landlord believes it is in the building’s best interest to not keep Smash as an entity within the building.

“We understand the landlord’s decision and although we are hurt, we believe that a temporary closure of Smash will help us to find a new facility where kids can be kids.

“So if anyone has a space that they feel could work for Smash we invite you to give us a call at 332-2308 or simply email smashtabletennis@gmail.com.”

“My main concern is the children. Smash had become like an after-school club and a boys club for young men. They were mentored, they were in a safe environment where they could come and be children, do their homework and see what it is to be a responsible male. It is that loss that truly saddens me.”

Durham said it is difficult to close something that you have worked hard to build.

“I want to thank everyone who supported my husband in his vision,” he said. “He has loved serving you, he has loved catering to you and he has loved mentoring the children.”.

“We may have lost this battle, but the fight goes on. I have some exciting ideas for the future and I am hopeful you will see us again very soon. I know this is not the end.”

Smash Table Tennis Club was established in 2014. It featured camps, hosted birthday party and corporate events.

It will remain open daily until March 31 from 3.30pm