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Records tumble in Age-Group Champs

Shattering records was the order of the day at the Saltus pool as the Schroders Cummer Age Group Championships concluded on Sunday.Maddy Moore, in the 11 to 12 finals of the 100 metres backstroke, broke team-mate Shannon Hassell’s record of 1:09.57, finishing in 1:09.32.In the very next event Hassell won the 13 to 14 backstroke and recaptured her record with a swim of 1:08.79.Jesse Washington followed the girls in his 100m backstroke, winning in 1:03.16 which took the record from former Sharks swimmer Nick Thomson who swam 1:04.27 in 2006.Philip Hagen continued to regain his pre-Carifta form as he shattered his time from the morning in winning the event.Emma Harvey lowered her 100 metre butterfly record from the morning, going 1:11.61 after her 1:12.69 earlier in the day.Washington, still warm from his backstroke, swam an impressive 100 fly, clocking 1:01.00 which took the record from fellow Shark Club’s Nic Patterson who had held the 1:03.49 record since 2009.Not happy with just a few outstanding performances, Washington’s 200 freestyle time was also a record, taking the first 100 out in 57 seconds and then finishing the rest with an impressive 1:59.42.The record he broke was that of Gerri Mewett who set the mark in 1989 at 1:59.78.He used whatever was left in the tank to equal his 50 free record of 24.87.Moore then capped off her super weekend with a 26.93 in the 50 free that took the record that she set in the morning, her time being faster than the 17 to 18 record. She is only 13“There were several swimmers with special swims in the meet and multiple records but the swimmer with the highest point total was Maddy Moore and she was definitely the swimmer of the weekend,” said national swim coach Ben Smith. “The swimming was impressive but it is just the beginning of the main part of the season.“The next focus point will be National Championships from the 6 to 9th of June before the two trips to Coral Springs and Costa Rica.“Then the focus will be on home soil and the NatWest Island Games. The season will finish with our elite seniors going to Barcelona for the World Championships while our elite juniors will travel to Montreal for Canadian age groups.”